
例題來自Cambridge IELTS 8 TEST 2
舉例來說3.的答案是28 November(這是一個數字+一個單字)
雅思Listening中常會出現Write no more than three words and/or a number”這樣究竟是什麼意思呢?是可以寫阿拉伯數字還是不行? 這樣的題型指示表示你的答案填寫不能超過三個單字包含/或者數字
1. one word
2. one number
3. one word and a number
4. two words
5.two words and one number
6.three words
7.three words and one number
所以簡單說就是 A.不可以超過三個單字 B.可以加或不加一個數字
希望這樣能幫助到大家解題時的疑惑 ^_^ 有任何問題歡迎留言發問~

1 則留言:

Teacher 提到...

It is worth pointing out that in this case either Question 1 (an AREA/part of the ADDRESS) or 2 (a COMPANY NAME) will probably be THREE WORDS, while the third question requires a DATE which can either be written as a NUMBER (25/12 / 12/25)OR a NUMBER and ONE, TWO OR THREE WORDS (25th December / (the) 25th of December / December 25)

This might help you to complete the question more efficiently. :)
